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Powerline: Partnering in energy education

Fall 2024

A Day of Energy at MGE’s Día de Fútbol

A group of children on a soccer field running high knee drills.

Hundreds of soccer enthusiasts gathered for MGE’s annual Día de Fútbol at Breese Stevens Field in late September. Participants of all ages enjoyed the free, family-friendly celebration of sport and community energy.

Kids dribbled and kicked their way through several soccer clinics. And, attendees were offered a Día de Fútbol passport, which guided them to stations with activities on energy, sustainability and more.

Families explored an MGE bucket truck, safety equipment and the tools used by our electric line workers. They also learned about electric safety from MGE’s safety education consultant who brought Hazard Hamlet, which simulates potentially dangerous electric safety scenarios. Kids used MGE’s Pedal Power bicycle to produce electricity to learn about energy efficiency—and to power a blender to make smoothies on-site!

One of the highlights was a visit from retired Mexican soccer player Fernando Arce who signed autographs, participated in soccer clinics and brought an extra burst of energy to the festivities. MGE thanks our community partners, attendees and all the volunteers who help make our annual Día De Fútbol a fun and educational event!

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