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FOCUS ON ENERGY® incentives for Wisconsin homeowners

Focus on Energy logo

Focus on Energy, Wisconsin utilities’ statewide energy efficiency and renewable resource program, works with residents and businesses to install cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Since 2001, Focus on Energy has provided incentives to more than 2.7 million homeowners.

Throughout the year, certain products and services are eligible for cash-back rewards or incentives. Find a program and save!

  • Energy-Saving Packs
    Do you know a simple way to use less energy and save money? Sign up for a free energy-saving pack to be delivered to your home. Each pack contains a variety of products such as ENERGY STAR® LED light bulbs, a high-efficiency showerhead, water-saving faucet aerators and more.
  • Smart Thermostats
    Buying a smart thermostat just got even smarter! If you’ve been thinking about upgrading your thermostat, Focus on Energy now offers a $50 incentive on smart thermostats. Learn more about qualifying models.
  • Home Energy Assessments
    Consider taking a comprehensive, whole-home approach when looking to boost comfort and energy efficiency. Start with a home energy assessment. After the assessment, you’ll receive a clear roadmap of recommended improvements, cash incentives and guidance to help you use energy smarter.

To learn more about Focus on Energy and other available incentives, visit

Federal tax credits

Federal tax credits may be available for customers who install ENERGY STAR-certified equipment in their homes. Examples of items that may qualify include furnaces, water heaters, insulation, windows and more. Learn more.

MGE customers making home improvements to enhance energy efficiency may be eligible for tax credits. The U.S. Department of Energy has information about the government’s energy-efficient home improvement credit and residential clean energy property credit.

The tax credit information contained within this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for expert advice from a professional tax/financial planner or the IRS.

Energy assistance

For help paying your bills, learn more about the energy assistance options available to you.

For answers to your energy questions, please contact our Home Energy Line at 608-252-7117 or email Ask the Experts at

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