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Bird's-eye view of a solar array at Tyto Solar in Fitchburg where sheep graze to help sustainably manage vegetation.
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Energy 2050 Together

Spring 2025

MGE's First Large-Scale Battery Storage

Construction is nearing completion on the 110-megawatt battery storage facility at Paris Solar-Battery Park.

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Sun setting over Paris Solar-Battery Park.

More Pole-Mounted EV Chargers

MGE's public charging network, powered by renewable energy, continues to grow with the addition of four new pole-mounted electric vehicle (EV) charging stations.

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A white electric vehicle charging at one of MGE's pole-mounted charging stations.

Plant with Purpose to Help Manage Your Energy Use

Plan ahead for spring with tips from MGE!

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Colorful infographic showing where to plant trees and shrubs to help save energy at home.

New Solar Program Proposed

Subscribers would receive local solar energy from MGE’s Strix Solar in Fitchburg. A low-income option also is proposed.

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MGE's Strix Solar array in Fitchburg

MGE Connect®

Help reduce carbon emissions while MGE helps manage your energy use.

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An African American man adjusts a thermostat on the wall in his home.
Madison Skyline