Green Power Tomorrow
MGE's Green Power Tomorrow (GPT) program offers customers a flexible, affordable option for supporting regional renewable energy resources and offsetting their greenhouse gas emissions.
Each kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity you are allocated from the GPT program is from clean energy in our area, including both wind farms and solar arrays. Those allocated kWh include the environmental benefits, or Renewable Energy Certificates, which are retired on your behalf. GPT is one cent** more per kWh.
Under State law, MGE is required to provide 10% of its electricity from renewable energy sources. GPT gives MGE customers the option to support green power without raising rates for those who can least afford to pay a slight premium.
Green power for your home or business
Approximately 10,000 MGE customers already support green power that's generated in our region. They help to:
- Prevent carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to more than 11,000 homes' electricity use for one year.
- Offset the greenhouse gas emissions equal to more than 180,000,000 miles driven by the average passenger vehicle.
Three subscription options are available:
You participate in GPT for 100% of your electric use.
GPT 100 automatically tailors your percentage participation in GPT to account for the percentage of MGE's energy portfolio that is served by renewable resources. For example, a participant in GPT 100 would have 26%* of their usage served by renewable resources included in MGE's standard resource portfolio and 74% of their usage subject to the $0.01/kWh** premium under the GPT program.
You select a percentage of your household's electricity use for GPT.
You will be billed an extra $0.01 per kWh based on the percentage you choose.** For example, if you choose 75%, your bill will include the GPT premium for 75% of the kWh you used.
You select a set dollar amount for GPT each month.
If your electricity use in any single billing period is less than what you've chosen, MGE will reduce the charge to match your actual electricity use multiplied by the GPT premium ($0.01 per kWh**).
* The percentage of renewable energy resources included in MGE's standard energy portfolio will increase in subsequent years, lowering the purchased GPT percentage in the future.
**This cost reflects the effective GPT rate. We will notify you in advance if the cost changes. You may change your participation at any time.
Renewable Flat Bill
Support renewable energy resources while enjoying a consistent monthly energy bill!
Tell me moreNet-Zero Carbon Electricity
See what we're doing to lower carbon emissions as quickly and as cost-effectively as we can.
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