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Report Streetlight Problems

MGE lineman fixing streetlight near the Capitol

As your community energy company, we help provide for the safety of our citizens and want to reduce unnecessary energy use.

Please help by reporting streetlights in need of repair. Our service area covers most of the streetlights in Madison, Monona, Middleton, Fitchburg, Cross Plains, Maple Bluff and Shorewood Hills.

Report by Phone

Out at night608-252-7000
On during the day608-252-7000
Cycling on and off (this means they are going to burn out soon)608-252-7000

Report Online

Use this form to report streetlight problems to MGE. We strive to respond within two business days.

Streetlight Information
The pole number is located near the base of the pole (e.g., "23G5-J2N").
Contact Information
Madison Skyline