Environmental & Sustainability Policy
As your community energy company, MGE recognizes its responsibility to preserve and protect the environment while serving our communities with safe, reliable, affordable and sustainable energy.
We are proactive and forward-thinking in our stewardship and promote sustainability with our partners, suppliers and employees as we work together to build a cleaner, smarter future.
In pursuit of our mission and in support of our commitment to those we serve, MGE:
- Complies with all environmental laws, regulations, permit requirements and other corporate environmental commitments and exceeds compliance as demonstrated by the commitments in this policy.
- Seeks environment-friendly options and waste minimization when considering sources of supply, material and contractors.
- Considers the environmental impacts of applicable company activities and seeks sustainable, cost-effective ways to reduce adverse environmental impacts and risk.
- Sets corporate goals and objectives and fosters a culture of continuous improvement in environmental and employee safety performance.
- Educates employees about MGE's environmental responsibilities and policy and communicates and reinforces environmental values throughout the company.
- Provides regular updates on environmental and sustainability initiatives and performance to MGE's Board of Directors to advance oversight and transparency of company operations.
- Explores opportunities to advance new, cost-effective technologies for the benefit of all and to reduce the community's collective environmental footprint.
- Partners with community stakeholders to promote environmental education, energy efficiency and conservation.
- Communicates openly and honestly with the public regarding MGE's environmental policy and performance.
- Contributes to the well-being of its communities through charitable and corporate giving and the service and volunteerism of employees.
Net-Zero Carbon Electricity
We're doing everything we can today to lower carbon emissions as quickly and as cost-effectively as we can.
Learn howCorporate Responsibility
MGE continues to serve its customers and communities safely, reliably, affordably and with increasing sustainability.
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