Occupational Health and Safety Policy
MGE recognizes the risks inherent to occupational health and safety and embraces safe work practices and environments as fundamental values. Safety is first in all we do. MGE is committed to serving our community and to conducting our business in accordance with this policy.
Our commitment
MGE is committed to continuous improvement of our safety performance and culture through all facilities, operations and initiatives. Safety involves all individuals throughout the company as we all can influence the safety of ourselves and others. This commitment is governed by the following systems:
Beyond compliance
MGE complies with all local, state and federal occupational health and safety standards and has processes to track and comply with these standards. Standard practices are documented in the MGE Safety Manual. Regulatory compliance is a baseline expectation, and we are committed to the health and safety of every person working for or on behalf of MGE. We strive to ensure their work environment is free from known hazards and goes beyond regulatory rules and industry guidance. As guidance and rules are introduced or change within the industry, we will continue to evolve with them.
Safety culture continuous improvement
As MGE employees, we power our own safety and the safety of those we work with to ensure everyone goes home safely. Our goal is zero incidents—every day, everywhere. Our safety culture is one designed to empower and to provide every employee with the responsibility and obligation to stop work when a perceived unsafe condition or behavior may result in an unwanted outcome.
Through continuous improvement and training, MGE is continually evaluating opportunities for improvement. These opportunities are addressed through employee-led teams. The outcomes of the teams address training needs, communication improvements, hazard awareness and response to emergencies we face in the utility industry.
Corporate Safety Management System
MGE is developing a Corporate Safety Management System, which will impact all operations of our organization. MGE's Safety Management System will be based on industry standards and will have defined systems to create, manage and improve safety processes.
Data-driven safety performance
Information and data drive change and provide a baseline for MGE. By utilizing leading and lagging indicators, trend analysis, contractor management tools and the performing of incident investigations, we are able to incorporate performance data into our daily processes to make decisions. These processes are communicated through interactive dashboards that provide real-time data to our employees.
Supplier, vendor, contractor and employee expectations
MGE expects our vendors, contractors, suppliers and employees to comply with the safety practices documented in the MGE Safety Manual, to adhere to the same values and to support the commitments that MGE has outlined in this Occupational Health and Safety Policy.