MGE proposes EV charging pilot for commercial customers

MGE has filed an application with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin for the Commercial EV Charging Allowance (CEVCA) Program. The proposed program is designed to help commercial customers who are interested in installing electric vehicle (EV) charging at their sites.
The CEVCA program would help support our developing EV charging market by providing revenue-based allowances for behind-the-meter EV charging infrastructure. All customers on a Cg-2, Cg-4 or Cg-6 rate who install EV chargers would receive a revenue-based allowance of $300 per kilowatt, paid in two installments, one at the time of installation and one after hitting their demand threshold.
The proposed pilot program would be limited to 5 megawatts of demand with a budget not to exceed $1.5 million in allowance funds. MGE believes all MGE customers will benefit from the program design because the incremental load created through increased EV adoption will expand the base through which utility costs are spread.
The electrification of transportation is one of our key strategies to achieve deep decarbonization—and our goals to reduce carbon emissions at least 80% by 2030 and achieve net-zero carbon electricity by 2050. Transportation is the leading contributor of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States.
Fleet analysis
MGE offers an EV Fleet Analysis for select businesses. It helps customers compare electric and gas vehicles using data from fleet vehicle telematics. The analysis also provides a total cost of ownership summary and recommendations for EVs and charging infrastructure. Contact your Business Customer Relations (BCR) representative to see if your business qualifies.
Green View video: Answers to your EV questions
Watch a recent Green View video from MGE. Our EV expert and a local EV driver discuss the five most common questions we get about EVs.
MGE can help you explore EVs—and charging options. If you would like to learn more about EV charging at your commercial location, call MGE's BCR team at 608-252-7007.