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MGE Talks Business

Summer 2024

Help Us Help You

If you're planning a new construction project or service upgrade, be sure to call MGE—the sooner, the better.

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Aerial view of downtown Madison.
Growing Renewable Energy

MGE is growing its use of clean energy to serve all customers.

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Solar panels at Tyto Solar in Fitchburg.
Renewable Options for Customers

Looking to advance sustainable energy in your business operations? MGE can help.

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Aerial view of a wind farm.
Pole-Mounted EV Chargers

MGE's public charging network continues to grow with more pole-mounted electric vehicle (EV) charging stations.

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Electric vehicle (EV) parked beside a pole-mounted EV charging station in Madison.
MGE Business Customer Forum

Optimizing energy savings with MGE's MyMeter.

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MGE Business Customer Forum.
Trending Now

See what's new at this summer!

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Screenshot of the new homepage.
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