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Utility Easements

Graphic explaining utility easements

Easements give utility companies like MGE the legal right to access areas of a property for running overhead electric lines and underground electric and gas lines and for maintaining related facilities like poles, pedestals and transformer boxes.

To reduce the impact to private properties, MGE coordinates with the local municipality to use public right-of-way areas wherever practical to access the lines and equipment being upgraded.

An easement does not give property ownership to MGE. It simply gives us access to place and maintain the electric lines and equipment needed to safely and reliably provide electric service to you and your neighbors.

Frequently Asked Questions

MGE's overhead electric lines exist on prescriptive rights, within right-of-way or on an overhead-only easement. This provides MGE with the rights to maintain overhead facilities, but it does not include rights to install underground facilities.
Underground utility easements have been standard practice in the Madison area since the 1960s. However, older neighborhoods were developed before underground service and technologies were more widely available, and they did not include underground utility easements.

No. Ownership of the land remains unchanged. An easement to MGE is simply a right for MGE to use a prescribed portion of your property for a specific purpose.

Non-permanent (mobile) structures are permitted in the easement area. Permanent structures (non-movable) are permitted in the easement area with written permission from MGE. Approval can be written into the easement document, if requested.

No. MGE does not pay customers for easements.

If you have a mortgage on your property, you may elect to seek the consent of that mortgage holder prior to signing an easement. MGE does not require anything from a lender. MGE offers a standard form to provide to a mortgage holder. A mortgage holder may request additional information, including but not limited to a property survey, paying down principal, an appraisal, recent years of taxes, or an application fee.

Please refer to the "Easement Instructions" document included in your easement packet.

If you have additional questions about your easement, please call 608-252-7132.

MGE Electric Upgrade Projects

See how MGE is working to enhance service reliability in our community and make the electric grid even more efficient.

Learn more
MGE crew repairing an electric line after a summer storm.
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