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Advanced Meter Exchange

MGE is working to update our metering system to replace aging equipment across our service area. This multiyear project will implement an automated meter infrastructure (AMI) that will help us monitor our system for efficiency and allow for two-way communication to metering equipment to better serve our customers.

What is AMI?

AMI is an integrated system of equipment, communications and information management systems for utilities to remotely collect customer electric and gas usage data in real time. AMI uses radio-based technology to read smart meters, which eliminates the need for manual meter reads.

What are smart meters?

Smart meters are electrical devices that record consumption of electricity and gas in time intervals of an hour or less, typically 15 minutes. The meter communicates this information, along with data on power outages and quality, to utilities for monitoring and billing purposes over a secure communication network.

Why is MGE replacing meters with AMI devices?

MGE is replacing meters that are technologically outdated and/or are reaching the end of their expected life. These meters must be replaced prior to failure to prevent negative service and operational impacts to our customers. The new meters will bring MGE up to current utility standards for metering equipment.

What are some benefits of these new AMI devices?

These devices provide more modern meter technology. As device technology evolves, these devices may help detect potential issues or problems earlier or faster.

What type of signal does an AMI meter transmit?

AMI radio frequency signals are similar to many common household items, such as mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers, microwave ovens, baby monitors and Bluetooth® enabled devices.

Are the AMI radio frequency signal levels regulated?

Yes. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) sets radio frequency (RF) limits and requires all radio communicating devices be tested to ensure they meet federal standards. The RF signal from AMI meters is lower than the FCC standard.

What type of information is transmitted with AMI devices?

The only data transmitted is meter-specific information, energy usage and diagnostic-related information.

Do AMI meters make meter reading more convenient?

Yes. Eventually, all AMI meters will be read without setting foot on your property or disturbing you. In addition, being able to read meters remotely means MGE will reduce its carbon emissions with significantly less driving time.

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