
Giving back to the community

MGE Foundation Giving infographic
MGE’s commitment to those we serve extends far beyond reliable energy. We are committed to helping improve the quality of life for all those we serve. We contribute to and help to better our community in three different ways.

The MGE Foundation
Established in 1966, the MGE Foundation is our philanthropic arm. Support from the Foundation helps our local organizations improve lives today and the lives of future generations by working to preserve the long-term health and vitality of our community. In the last five years, the Foundation has given more than $8.3 million to more than 400 community organizations. In 2022 alone, the Foundation contributed more than $2.1 million to more than 200 local organizations serving environment and health, culture and enrichment, equity and inclusion, youth and education, and community service-oriented initiatives.

MGE corporate giving
MGE collaborates and works together with hundreds of organizations to provide service, help improve lives, tackle challenges and seize opportunities facing our community. We partner with local stakeholders in a variety of ways to advance shared goals and initiatives. 

Employee volunteerism and service 
Our dedicated employees embody what it means to serve as your community energy company. Outside of their jobs at MGE, many of our more than 700 employees volunteer on local boards and committees and as members of economic development and nonprofit organizations.

MGE Report on Giving
MGE publishes a Report on Giving, which highlights some of the ways in which we give, partner and work to support the communities we are privileged to serve. Our full report on giving is available at

100 years of impact
In 2022, the United Way celebrated 100 years of impact in the community. MGE Chairman, President and CEO Jeff Keebler served as the United Way Community Campaign Chair for the centennial campaign.

MGE staff volunteering at a United Way event
Support for the United Way
MGE is a longtime supporter and partner of the United Way of Dane County. The organization’s extensive reach helps our customers and broader community. The United Way works toward lasting change, sharing MGE’s goal of making our community a better place to live, work and enjoy.

MGE consistently ranks among the top 10 companies in total donations to the United Way. In 2022, MGE and our generous employees and retirees gave more than $277,000 to the local campaign. Some employees also took time out of their busy schedules to volunteer by putting together more than 800 paper product packs for Dane County families, ensuring access to these essential items that are not covered by food and nutrition assistance programs.

MGE employees also serve on various United Way boards, committees and Leadership Giving groups, helping to set the direction and address the needs facing our community.

MGE Economic Development team
Economic development
A healthy economy contributes to a healthy community. MGE is committed to advancing continued growth and a thriving economy in the greater Madison region. We partner with business, education and government leaders to ensure our area businesses have the resources and connections they need to start, stay competitive and grow with the region.

MGE’s economic development team helps businesses get access to financing, increase profitability and connect with business resources within the region. In addition, our account managers in our Business Customer Relations area work with new and existing businesses in a variety of ways, including helping them to expand sustainably, reduce their carbon footprint and manage their energy use.

Business Design Assistance Team
MGE’s cross-functional Business Design Assistance Team (BDAT) is designed to enhance the customer experience on large development projects. The BDAT brings together all the necessary contacts at MGE for a kickoff meeting with the developer. Developers working on a project in MGE’s service area may need to determine who at MGE to talk to about gas and electric service, rates, EV charging and more. MGE’s BDAT streamlines that process.

It is intended for developers and construction companies that are not experienced working in MGE’s service area or for projects with an unusual component, such as those dealing with cultural resources or routing that is planned in a historical zone.

Search by Social area of interest 

Engaging our customers where they are Energy equity and affordability Employee engagement and development Freedom of Association and collective bargaining We Power Safety Disaster recovery planning Ensuring reliability MGE Statement on Human Rights A culture of diversity, equity and inclusion Code of Ethics