
A culture of diversity, equity and inclusion

At MGE, we value diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). MGE promotes an inclusive, respectful work environment where individuals and groups can achieve their full potential. We support all employees and provide equitable access to employment and development opportunities.

Our goal is to create a healthy, inclusive, safe and productive work environment for all. All employees are responsible for assisting MGE in meeting our objectives around diversity and inclusion as well as supporting the concepts of equal opportunity and affirmative action. We believe our collective diversity makes us stronger and more complete, both within MGE and throughout our community.

One of our corporate initiatives aims to ensure our increasingly diverse customers and employees experience us as “their” community energy company. Through an executive-led working group with representation from across the company, we continue our focus on customer communication and engagement as well as skills development and training to further promote an inclusive and respectful work environment to better serve our customers and communities.

Every employee at MGE experiences programming around a wide range of topics, including diversity, harassment and our Code of Ethics. Employees who witness any harassment or discrimination issues are encouraged to bring them to the attention of Human Resources or file a report using our anonymous employee hotline.

DEI Steering Team
In 2022, MGE expanded and formalized its employee-led DEI Steering Team. With representation across the company, the DEI Steering Team builds on MGE’s commitment to DEI in our workplace, in service to our customers and in our efforts to improve the quality of life throughout our communities.

MGE publishes its EEO-1 report, an annual data collection filed with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, in our online ESG Data Center. The report contains demographic workforce data by race/ethnicity, sex and job categories. We make this data available as part of our commitment to transparency and disclosure.

In 2023, MGE is introducing to employees enhanced inclusive leadership training and volunteer opportunities and is continuing its evaluation of processes, practices and internal systems and planning new employee engagement opportunities.

MGE staff at a local event.


Search by Social area of interest 

Engaging our customers where they are Energy equity and affordability Employee engagement and development Freedom of Association and collective bargaining We Power Safety Disaster recovery planning Ensuring reliability MGE Statement on Human Rights Code of Ethics Giving back to the community